Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2: Perfect Pizza

Living here in the country we drive 40 miles roundtrip to visit the nearest pizzeria.  And we have a thing for pizza. 

“Pea-za. PEA-ZA,” my hungry G says. 

Needless to say I am perfecting my pizza-making skills. Each pizza pie doesn’t turn out the same.  Maybe since I can’t remember how many cups of flour I plop into the mixer for the dough.  Or I might sprinkle a dump-truck full of red pepper into the tomato sauce. Opps again.

I do get one thing right, every time.  At least 3 cups of mozzarella cheese cover the sausage, green pepper and pepperoni. 

Like the next farm story says: “pizza isn’t pizza without cheese.”

In Cris Peterson’s book Extra Cheese, Please: Mozzarella’s Journey from Cow to Pizza step by step photographs follow cheese making from the udder to the factory.  And those photographs show crisp and well-lit scenes, even inside a cheese factory. Photographer Alvis Upitis documents how the milkman pulls samples of milk before he hauls and how the cheesemaker separates the curds from the whey.

Author Peterson has a knack for bringing the numbers to life.

“Annabelle is quite a cow.  In one year she produces 40,000 glasses of milk, enough to make cheese for 1,800 pizzas.  If your family ate one pizza a day, it would take you nearly five years to eat that many pizzas.”

One pizza a day, for 5 years?  I know a family up for the challenge.  But don’t expect me to turn the oven on every night.  A road trip to the local DiMaggios Pizza will be a must. 

What do you like on your pizza?


My Library List:
Preview Day: 30 Days of Farm Kid Stories
Day 1: One Moment

Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
And so on

Our blogging host Holly Spangler writes  “30 Days on a Prairie Farm” this month on her blog: My Generation

It’s a group party, of sorts!  Please join fellow bloggers as they tell their agricultural stories:

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